Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are injectable implants that target all forms of body lines and folds to lift and add volume where required. They may be used to address the volume loss that occurs naturally over time or to augment natural features, such as lips.  The use of dermal fillers carries some risk which can be significant and they are classified as medical devices.


Dermal fillers are viscous gels delivered from a sterile, pre-filled syringe. Your practitioner should discuss options with you prior to treatment and, where necessary, offer advice on pain control.  The result is immediate, but it may take some time for any swelling and redness to settle down. Typically, the treatment should last 6 to 18 months depending on the product used and which part of the body is being treated.


The effects can be as subtle or dramatic as required but should always be natural in appearance and proportion. Treatments can range from the injection of dermal fillers superficially in the skin to smooth out fine lines, through the slightly deeper placement to support folds. The so-called ‘liquid face-lift’ targets specific areas to provide both volume and structural support.


Side effects are common and can include bruising, swelling, redness, infection and localised reactions to the product.  Dermal fillers can also inhibit blood supply leading to serious health problems.  Treatments on or around the forehead, nose, lips and eyes are considered the highest risk for this complication.

Side-effects can range from bruising and redness to the drooping of your face which is why we strongly advise studying the longer PDF attached here to fully understand the risks. We also recommend you discuss it with your JCCP registered practitioner before any procedure. Look for your nearest one here

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